Saturday 2 June 2012


What Are & How Long Do Tramadol Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

Tramadol is prescribed for patients with moderate to severe pain from broken bones and other injuries as well as chronic pain in muscles and soft tissue, acid reflux and restless leg syndrome. It is synthetic codeine that is considered less addictive than codeine; however users experience severe physical withdrawal pains when they stop taking it. Psychological withdrawal symptoms also occur, because tramadol works like an opiate and gives a feeling of well-being. For this reason, it may be abused.
The morphine-type withdrawal symptoms start within a day of stopping the drug. They include muscle aches and pains, nausea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome and headaches which may last for a week. Depression, a psychological symptom, may last for months. However, some of the physical withdrawal symptoms last longer. Insomnia and headaches are reported even months after stopping the drug. The longer tramadol has been taken regularly, the longer the withdrawal symptoms will last.
The main symptoms of tramadol withdrawal are:
  • Fever and flu-like symptoms
  • Insomnia
  • Seizures
  • Diarrhea
  • Pain
  • Anxiety and Anguish
  • Nausea
  • Hallucinations
  • Sweating and tremors
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Aggression
These withdrawal symptoms can cause damage to the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys and liver which may be permanent or last for years depending on how long tramadol was taken. The withdrawal period may be too painful if it is not overseen by medical professionals. This pain is avoidable, and the dependency on tramadol is treatable and reversible.
Because it works like an opiate, the treatment for withdrawal symptoms is the same as for opiates. Users can stop abruptly and endure the pain while their body detoxifies. For many, this is considered the best approach. They drink lots of fluids, take anti-oxidants and keep busy. It is very difficult for a week or two. The first three days are the worst and then it gets better, but it is considered worth the pain to be completely free of even a small dose of the drug.
Another possibility is to gradually reduce the dosage over several weeks. A doctor should specify the amount to be reduced. This may work to reduce the dosage taken by a lot, but some experience the last, small dosage is very difficult or impossible to stop. If Tramadol has been taken for many years, it will also take years to completely stop. If it has been taken for the psychological feeling of well-being, it may take addiction treatment therapies to stop any size dose.
Tramadol withdrawal symptoms can last from one week to several years. It depends on how long and how much of it was taken. It has not been considered a highly addictive drug, and for that reason is prescribed instead of opiates, however users find it difficult to stop even after taking it only for a few weeks. The psychological withdrawal symptoms can exacerbate the physical pain and make the experience even worse.


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